Home » The Spring of Nations (1848) » The building of Europe: multicultural perspective from MIH Digital Modules

Within the topic “the building of Europe” were developed eight modules covering the 1848/49, without any prior agreement between the partner countries’ research teams: a clear sign that this historic moment has been considered by all a node conceptual and historiographical essential for the establishment of a European koine. All treatments agree in considering the European events of this period a very complex and heterogeneous phenomenon: time of nationalities’ construction, civil and political liberal aspirations and revolutionary “spirit”. Another analogy is that the movement has invested almost by contagion throughout Europe, taking different forms and manifestations, but with a fundamental common denominator: the demand for constitutional guarantees and greater political participation. It was therefore considered a crucial step of the long road towards the full realization of modern democratic systems. For this reason the argument is proposed and discussed in all educational programs, in conjunction with the civics or social studies.

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